Use the button below to download a form for requesting funding from the Friends of Mitchell Park. Remember, you may contact us for suggestions and feedback prior to filling out our form or getting approval from the Village for your event, but the Friends of Mitchell Park can approve a request contingent on or after Village approval, and cannot allocate funds until after you have obtained approval for your event from the Greenport Village Board. See the Village website to obtain a permit for an event in Mitchell Park.
The steps to fill out the Friends of Mitchell Park form are:
1. Click the button below, and receive the file in plain text format. Exactly how the file will be downloaded or displayed depends on what type of computer you are using, which browser, and your browser settings. If you have trouble downloading the file, contact us and request the file be sent to you.
2. You can fill out the plain text form using any word processor.
3. After downloading the form, we suggest changing the name of the file to something meaningful to your request. Then email the completed file to the email address shown on the form. Do not mail a paper copy.
4. Remaining steps to complete the process will then proceed as described on our Request Funding page.
5. You must use the Friends of Mitchell Park logo on any materials you use regarding your sponsored event.
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